12th May 2012 will remain a memorable day for the Dilla Community and its surroundings. The sisters of Dilla can finally say like Solomon of old. “We have built a house for the Lord.” This day there was the inauguration of the new chapel and the clinic that has been used for almost a year and a half. His Excellency Mons. Migliorati Yohannis, came to grace the occasion. During the whole week there was rain every day. The day of the inauguration as if like a miracle there was no rain at all. The children, parents, students and workers enjoyed the day. The Holy Mass began exactly at 9:30. His Lordship John concelebrated the Eucharist with five other priests who came from different parishes. There was the entrance dance welcoming the Lord and every one present to bless the day.
The program continued with the Holy Mass and various appropriate dances inserted within the Mass. At the end of the Eucharistic celebration, there was the blessing of the two buildings. The Kids of the Kindergarten followed behind the Bishop singing “Showers of Blessings”.
The day ended up successfully with joy and everyone after having fed with the Holy Eucharist went to their respective places to be fed physically with lunch.
Thank God for such beautiful day.