As a fruit of the Celebration of the Mission Sunday on the 18
th of October, 2020 our community decided to re-start the vocational animation which started one year ago but stopped due to the pandemic.
On the 23
rd of October, the girls started to arrive at 4:00 p.m. Some new girls arrived at 5:55 p.m. We started with 15 of them; Arsema, Selamawit, Lidet, Danchuma, Sembet, Hanna, Lidia, Addisalegn, Helena, Haimanot, Veronica, Helena, Lemlem, Mitike, and Betel. Sr. Antonieta welcomed them on behalf of the community. We expressed our happiness to have them in our house. They were happy to be there. Sr. Netsanet guided the rosary and evening prayer in Amharic. After supper, we watched the video, “
Main”. Sr. Netsanet translated, and Sr. Antonieta helped them do the feedback followed by an explanation to understand better who Maria Domenica is and to know little about our Institute.
On the 24
th October, we participated at Mass in the parish together with the girls, who went willingly after the breakfast. They helped us with different chores such as the distribution of the faffa, cleaning of the
kitchen, preparation of the parish for Sunday Mass. Everyone was willing and offered to help. At 10:00 p.m., Sr. Netsanet gave some input about vocation. At 2:00 p.m., Sr. Antonieta invited them to participate and came up with the topic, “how I have lived the experience of the COVID-19.” Sr. Antonieta facilitated various things to help them ponder on the topic. When they finished, we invited them to share their experiences. At 6:00 p.m., we did the Lectio Divina of the parable of the Wedding Banquet in preparation for Sunday liturgy. After supper, Sr. Netsanet invited them to compose a song to Mother Mazzarello in two groups while they eat popcorn and drink juice, which they enjoyed. Sunday morning after mass, we continued sharing their personal experience of COVID 19. It was an interesting activity to listen to them about how they have lived their difficult time.
We proceeded with the evaluation. They expressed their thoughts openly and thanked the sisters for offering the opportunity to reflect on their lives, and to pray, etc., as a group. Sr. Antonieta invited Sr. Netsanet and Sr. Rosaria to give the last message to the girls. We thanked the Lord for the blessing to have them with us and thanked their families for sending them. We asked our Mother Mary to continue to accompany and to protect this group of girls.
On the 1
st of November, when Sr. Ruth visited us in the evening, the girls of the vocational group came to greet her. They sang two songs they composed during the last vocational animation. Sr. Ruth addressed them with a message, inviting them to be attentive to the voice of the Lord. We enjoyed these moments of sharing.
On the 22
nd of November, we had an appointment with 8 vocational girls and welcomed them in the afternoon. This time we tried to follow the plan prepared for the pastoral team. The topic was “the value of life in every human situation. We watched a video about a man who has disabilities but lives with love and optimism. We took the gospel of the following Sunday about the five wise girls and the five foolish girls who were waiting to meet the Lord but lost their opportunity because they were not ready. We have prayer time and adoration as they requested in the previous meeting. Even though all of the first 15 did not come, two new girls came; Mary Kayamo and Haimanot Addisu.
This is our journey with these girls whom the Lord sent to us. We ask God to bless them and bless us so that we can continue to do something good. We also ask our Mother Mary to accompany us on this journey and ask the two sisters to remember these girls in their prayers. Thank you!